What's New

Thanks to Rysler at Brooding Detective for hosting the site.

Friday, 01 January, 2010, 12:00 PM

Birds of Prey Fan Fiction eBooks is now part of
Sans Paper
a multi-fandom femslash ebook archive.
Blog, Twitter or LiveJournal

Sunday, 02 June, 2013

Yes, it's been fixed!


Adliren [7]

Adliren - LiveJournal
fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
Getting Out pdb | html
Business As Usual  pdb | html
Walking Away  pdb | html
Sticking the Landing  pdb | html

What it Means to Be a Hero series
What Has Gone Before pdb | html
Getting Back On Your Feet  pdb | html
A Different Way of Thinking  pdb | html

Aerothen [1]

fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
Savin Me  pdb | html [B/H]

Amluv2000 [4]

archived at Realm of the Shadow
Growing Pains  pdb
Inner Monologue  pdb
Oh What A Feeling  pdb
Knight In New Gotham  pdb

Andie [2]

archived at Passion & Perfection
Tonight  pdb
It's You  pdb

Barbdheart aka Henri [10]

barbdheart - LiveJournal
archived at fanfiction.net
[B/H H/D D/G]
Shadows of a Past Life  pdb | html

[B/H D/G]
Darker Shades of Grey  pdb | html
Size matters  pdb | html

Ancient Hero  pdb | html
Beautiful Dreamer  pdb | html
Confessions of a Teenaged Telepath
pdb | html
Inner Monologue  pdb | html
I Scream, You Scream  pdb | html
The Young and the Dumb pdb | html

Love in the Clocktower  pdb | html

Befuddled [2]

fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
Silent Tears  pdb | html
Forever  pdb | html

BG [14]

archived at Passion & Perfection
Damage  pdb | html
Everything  pdb | html
The Way We Were  pdb | html
Tailspin  pdb | html

Elemental Series [B/H]
Landslide  pdb | html
Watershed  pdb | html
Damage  pdb | html
Sunspots  pdb | html
Veneer  pdb | html
Stainless  pdb | html
Obsidian  pdb | html
Nuclear  pdb | html
Dark Matter  pdb | html
Gravity  pdb | html

Meg Brown aka Andromeda Valentine [2]

phoenyxphiyre - LiveJournal
Crimson Redd
and ShatterStorm Productions
Magnetism  pdb | html

[BoP comic - Huntress/Oracle]
Wee Small Hours  pdb | html

Kelly Buxton aka MereMortal [10]

archived at fanfiction.net
and ShatterStorm Productions
Girls Will Be Girls  pdb | html
Loser Takes It All  pdb | html
Girls Don't Like Boys...  pdb | html

Fusion  pdb
I'll Be Gentle  pdb
Eating In  pdb
Fear and Loathing in New Gotham  pdb
The Writings on the Wall  pdb | html

Three's Company  pdb [H/D/G]

Dinah's Dilemma  pdb [None]

Crookedhalo [1]

crookedhalofics - LiveJournal
Out of the Ashes  epub mobi pdb html

Dallas aka helenakyle2002 [3]

fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
and Delphi_Mainframe
Body Heat  pdb
Ho Hic Ho  pdb
Night of Truth  pdb

Darkenedkarma [1]

archived at The Athenaeum
and Passion & Perfection
Twist of Fate  pdb | html

Datajunkie [2]

Shehulk's Fan Fiction
fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
Pieces  pdb | html
[B/H, warning - BDSM]
Behind Closed Doors  pdb | html

Debage [2]

archived at Passion & Perfection
fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
I'll Be Dreaming  pdb | html [B/H]
Offspring  pdb | html [B/H]

Debbie aka mrswoman [40]

mrswoman - LiveJournal
archived at Passion & Perfection
and ShatterStorm Productions
Stating The Obvious  pdb | html
Reversal of Fortune  pdb | html
One Night  pdb | html
Here's The Rub  pdb | html
Falling Down on the Job  pdb | html
The F Word  pdb | html

written for livejournallogo_sm.jpgbop_challenges - 12Days challenge
'The Sureness of Love' series
Surely, Tomorrow Will Be Better  pdb | html
Slowly, But Surely  pdb | html
As Sure As Can Be  pdb | html
Surely A Fail-Safe Plan  pdb | html
Tomorrow Surely Comes … And So Does Helena  pdb | html
Surety of a Mother's Love  pdb | html
And Then...The Sureness of a Father's Love  pdb | html
Are You Sure It Happened That Way?
pdb | html
I'm Sure She's Remembered  pdb | html
Are You Sure?  pdb | html
Sure I Was Helping.  pdb | html
Be Sure To Be Home.  pdb | html

[BoP comic - Huntress/Oracle,
Black Canary/Lady Shiva]

Thin Line  pdb | html

[BoP comic - Huntress/Oracle]
Connections  pdb | html
Words Not Needed  pdb | html
In The Shadow Of A Blizzard  pdb | html
Thank God for Helena  pdb | html
Just  pdb | html
Thank God for Barbara - pdb | html
Interlude  pdb | html

written for livejournallogo_sm.jpgbop_challenges - 12Days challenge
First Footing  pdb | html
The Simple Life  pdb | html
Just A Woman  pdb | html
Retribution  pdb | html
The Case of Subtle Ownership  pdb | html
Déjà Vu  pdb | html
Rightness  pdb | html
It Never Rains  pdb | html
… But it Pours  pdb | html
Wonderland  pdb | html
Umbrella Girl pdb | html
First Differences  pdb | html

[BoP comic - Huntress]
The Finish Line  pdb | html

[CSI/BoP TV x-over - Catherine/Barbara]
Understanding  pdb | html

Docwho2100 [8]

DocWho2100's Page
A Wee Bit O' the Irish Charm  pdb | html
A Christmas Gift  pdb | html
Forced Out  pdb | html
Suitcases And Stains  pdb | html
Keys To The Kingdom  pdb | html

[B/H D/G]
Learning to Read Between the Lines
pdb | html

[Barbara/Dana, X-Files xover]
Inhibitions  pdb

[B/H, Dana, X-Files xover]
co-author: ellie no name
A Whole New World - pt 1 & pt 2
A Whole New World - html - 1 file ~ 600KB
A Whole New World part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 - html
- 4 files ~ 150KB each

Dreiser [1]

Chasing Shadows  pdb

Eldritchsandwich [1]

archived at Passion & Perfection
The Blame Game  epub mobi pdb html

Enginerd [4]

Enginerd’s Fan Fiction
Just A Matter of Time  pdb | html
Primal Instinct  pdb | html
Substitute  pdb | html
Blackout  pdb | html

Enigma [1]

fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
[B/H, Selina Kyle/Wonder Woman]
Gratitude  pdb

Erin Griffin [43]

archived at fanfiction.net
and Realm of the Shadow
fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
Butterfly Ink  pdb
Helena's Promise  pdb
Second Verse, Same As The First  pdb
I Don't... But I Do... For You  pdb
Whatcha' Talkin' 'Bout, Gordon?  pdb
A Birds of Prey Christmas Carol  pdb | html

In Dreams  pdb
Mentors  pdb
Satisfying Cravings  pdb
Craving You  pdb
Undeniable Cravings  pdb
Craving Revenge  pdb
Good Morning Sunshine  pdb
Raining On Forever  pdb
With You  pdb
Tell Me On A Sunday  pdb
Illusions Of What Was  pdb
Helena's Gift  pdb
If You Had My Love aka The Battle  pdb
It's A Guy Thing (aka Motherhood)  pdb
I Would  pdb
Favorite Sweater  pdb
OneNight  pdb | html
Pop Tarts and Sunny Delight series
1. Pop Tarts  pdb
2. Sunny Delight  pdb
3. Baby Bird  pdb
4. The Incubus  pdb
5. The Terrible Twos  pdb
6. Fred McFey  pdb

Cold Showers  pdb

It Is You I Have Loved  pdb | html
That Fivel Song  pdb | html
Sweet Kisses  pdb | html
The Key  pdb

Hopeless  pdb | html
Tainted Rewards  pdb | html [?]

[Carolyn/Selina, hint of H/D]
Afterlife series
Love Afterlife  pdb | html
Apartment Upgrade  pdb | html
Finding His Way  pdb | html
Selena's Task  pdb | html
Carolyn's Task  pdb | html
The Task Done Together  pdb | html
Afterlife Lessons Learned  pdb | html

Eveh [3]

fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
Chased The Dream  pdb [B/H]
Please Don't Remember  pdb [?]
Playing Control  pdb [H/O]

Fading Into Darkness [5]

archived at fanfiction.net
Fallen  pdb [Barbara]
Musings of An Oracle  pdb [Barbara]
Pain and Answers  pdb [Barbara]
Demons  pdb [Helena]
Ghost In The Closet  pdb [Dinah]

Ficmail [1]

archived at Passion & Perfection
and ShatterStorm Productions
fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
Doppelganger  pdb [B/H]
Doppelganger - html - 1 file ~ 580KB
Doppelganger part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 - html
- 4 files ~ 150KB each

Kelley Gaither [1]

archived at Passion & Perfection
[B/H, warning: mention of rape]
And She Was  pdb

Greywing [2]

Greywing - LiveJournal
archived at Passion & Perfection
[BoP comic - Huntress/Oracle]
Attaccare, Ritirarsi, Arrendersi  pdb | html
Sweet Surrender  pdb | html

Harper [8]

harper-m - LiveJournal
archived at Passion & Perfection
and Realm of the Shadow
Accidental Voyeur  pdb | html
An Empirical Question  pdb | html
Dancing In The Dark  pdb | html
Evil Deeds  pdb | html
Experimental Method  pdb | html
Long Time Gone  pdb | html
Turning Tables  pdb | html

Willful Blindness  pdb | html

Inspectorboxer [1]

archived at Passion & Perfection
The Fear of Falling  pdb | html  [ wip ]

Jaguarin [5]

archived at fanfiction.net
and Passion & Perfection
[ - ]
Close To You  pdb
We've Just Begun  pdb
Lost  pdb
Blown Up  pdb
Teach Your Children  pdb

Jarlel [2]

archived at Passion & Perfection
A Place to Rest and Heal  epub mobi pdb html
Back to the Grind  epub mobi pdb html

Jaycee [8]

archived at Delphi_Mainframe Group
Home Videos  pdb | html
Musings  pdb | html
Clocktower  pdb | html
Like A Fire  pdb | html
Pain Is Pleasure  pdb | html
Walls  pdb | html

[B/H, Helena/Reese, suggested Barbara/Wade]
Understand  pdb | html

[B/H, D/O]
Prayers  pdb | html

Jennifer-Oksana [3]

[BoP comic - Black Canary/Oracle]
Simply In Love  pdb | html
Kind of Noticeable  ebook | html
The Movie of My Angst  ebook | html

Jinx [15]

archived at Passion & Perfection
and Realm of the Shadow
Parallel Lives  pdb | html
Rogue Gordon  pdb | html
My kind of Wonderful  pdb | html

Alternate Lives  pdb | html
Past Lives  pdb | html
Forgotten Lives  pdb
Forgotten Lives - html - 1 file ~ 575KB
Forgotten Lives part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 - html
- 4 files ~ 150KB each

New Beginnings  pdb | html [B/?]
Dark Huntress  pdb | html
Out of the Dark  pdb | html

Everything About Her  pdb
contains the following stories in html:
Everything About Her  html
Early One Morning  html
Almost Confession  html
Once Child of the Night  html
The Hardest Thing  html
The Love of My Life  html

Joyce [1]

archived at Delphi_Mainframe Group
Friday Night and Saturday Morning  pdb

Kathryne [1]

tellitslant - LiveJournal
[BoP comic - Huntress/Oracle]
Gotham Outcasts  pdb

Marvelwizard [6]

archived at fanfiction.net
and ShatterStorm Productions
My Only  pdb
She's The Blade  pdb
The Way I Feel  pdb
The Outcast  pdb
Gods And Monsters  pdb

Frosted Dignity  pdb

Megca86 [1]

archived at Bats Femslash LJ
[BoP comic - Black Canary, Oracle, Shiva]
No Good Deed  pdb | html

Merfilly - Stephanie Vickers [9]

merfilly - LiveJournal

archived at AO3
Passion & Perfection
and ShatterStorm Productions
[BoP TV - B/H]
Quarry  pdb | html

[BoP comic - Huntress/Oracle]
100 Friends Ficlets  pdb | html
At Life's Crossroad  pdb | html
Older, But Wiser?  pdb | html

[BoP comic - Black Canary/Huntress]
Snarks and Insults  pdb | html
Raining Revelations  pdb | html

[BoP comic - Black Canary/Oracle]
The Hostage Without  pdb | html
Trapped Within  pdb | html
livejournallogo_sm.jpg Big Damn Table Fics
#1 - 50  pdb | html
#51 - 100  pdb | html

Jenn Moffatt aka goth_huntress [7]

Lair of the Huntress
[ Helena Kyle's thoughts ]
Convergences BOP TV
Issue One/Two  pdb

If you could get away with it,
who would you kill?  pdb

Would you take a life to save
someone you loved?  pdb

First Time I Saw Batman  pdb
Where I Didn't Grow Up  pdb
Favorite Time Of Day... Dawn  pdb
Tell Someone You Love Them  pdb

MorningAfter [1]

archived at Even Angels Fall LJ
Untitled  pdb [B/H]

Nailbunny617 [1]

archived at fanfiction.net,
The Pink Rabbit Consortium
and Realm of the Shadow
The Kiss  pdb [B/H H/Other]

NDV [1]

archived at fanfiction.net
Unfinished  pdb | html

North aka HollyE [8]

archived at Passion & Perfection
and ShatterStorm Productions
Dirty Girls and Dental Dams  pdb
Sound Effects The Sequel  pdb
Where Angels Dare Not Tread  pdb | html
I Alone Love You  pdb | html
Understanding  pdb | html
Less  pdb | html

We All Fall Down  pdb | html [Q/D]

Poison  pdb | html [HQ/?]
Strain  pdb | html

John O'Connor [3]

The World Of John O'Conner
Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?  pdb

New Partners In Crime Fighting  pdb

[Comic-verse - Catwoman/Black Canary,
Batgirl/Catwoman, Black Canary/Oracle]

Birds Of Prey: The Quest  pdb

Susan P [1]

Uncharted Territories
archived at Passion & Perfection
Dreams Dark and Light  pdb

PekkaW - Peter [1]

fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
Sexual Time Bomb  pdb

Perpetualblyss [2]

archived at Passion & Perfection
The Watching  pdb
Do Ask, Do Tell  pdb

Phryne [4]

archived at Passion & Perfection
What Dreams  pdb | html [B/H]
Going Home  pdb | html [H]
Untitled fic  pdb | html [?]

Book 1 - First Person
Past Imperfect  pdb | html
Past Continuous  pdb | html
Present Continuous  pdb | html
Book 2 - Bad Grammar  pdb | html
Book 3 - Proof  pdb | html

Preygurl [2]

fic posts at Birds of Prey Slash Fic
Confirmed Habit  pdb | html
Sweat As Chocolate, Wait I Mean Sweet…  pdb | html

Sam Quinn aka pervyficgirl [1]

Pervy Fics - LiveJournal
[BoP comic - Dinah/Batwoman,
Babs/Dinah, Dick/Babs implied]

What Could Have Been  pdb | html

Ralst [1]

Passion & Perfection
Phantom Feelings  pdb

Resolute [1]

Resolute - LiveJournal
archived at Passion & Perfection
[BoP comic - Huntress/Oracle]
Anniversaries Suck  pdb

Ripley [5]

Going Home  pdb | html
Letter  pdb | html
Maybe  pdb | html

Simple  pdb | html
Nonpwp  pdb | html

Rysler [7]

Brooding Detective
archived at Passion & Perfection
[BoP comic - Huntress/Oracle,
Black Canary/Lady Shiva]

Little Bird in the Desert Kingdom
pdb | html

[BoP comic - Black Canary/Oracle]
Uninvited In Gotham  pdb | html
Grip of the City  pdb | html
Lay Over Nova Scotia  pdb | html

[BoP comic - Huntress/Oracle]
With A Loose Grip  pdb | html
Steel Bird  pdb | html

Helena Kyle and the Policeman's Ball
 pdb | html

Ry_Rain [6]

archived at Passion & Perfection
and fanfiction.net
Christmas Time is Near
Bats and Cats
Closer to Fine
Someday We'll Know
Happy Birthday Barbara!
coming soon...

SavageLove [3]

archived at Realm of the Shadow
A Key To A Bird's Heart  pdb [B/H, Dinah/f]
At Long Last  pdb [B/H]
Huntress' Prey  pdb [H/D]

SulkyGeek [2]

archived at ShatterStorm Productions
Never the Same  pdb
Here's Where the Story Ends  pdb

Te [1]

[BoP comic - Black Canary/Oracle]
Make It Rhyme  pdb

Teresina [2]

archived at Delphi_Mainframe
and Birds of Prey Slash Fic
Promises  pdb [H/D]
Barbara's Glory Days  pdb

V [2]

archived at The Athenaeum
Can I Ask You Something?
Goodbye...Never Means Forever
coming soon...

Velvet [3]

archived at fanfiction.net
Rose Petals  pdb | html
The Beginning Is The End  pdb | html
Plurality of Worlds  pdb | html

Voleuse [1]

moodfic - LiveJournal
[DC Toonverse (JLU) - Huntress/Black Canary]
I Wouldn't Ask  pdb | html

WastedOn [2]

archived at fanfiction.net
and Passion & Perfection
To Be in Motion  epub mobi pdb html
The Syntax of Progression coming soon...

Woodstockdc [3]

Birds Of Prey : Fiction That Comes Unbidden
Christmas In New Gotham  pdb | html

[B/H, D/G]
A New Gotham Christmas Party  pdb | html
In A Song  pdb

Wulleente [2]

archived at ShatterStorm Productions
[BoP comic - Catwoman/Oracle]
A Girl Could Always Dream
and a Cat Had Nine Lives
 pdb | html

In the Eye of the Beholder  pdb | html

Xero [1]

archived at Delphi_Mainframe Group
Gone But Not Forgotten  pdb | html